ADHD Coaching

ADHD Coaching

Welcome to our ADHD Coaching Program – a transformative journey designed for students from 3rd grade to high school age. Whether your child has received an ADHD diagnosis or you're proactively seeking tools to enhance their independence, our program is tailored to meet their unique needs.

Who is this program for?

1. Students with ADHD, seeking understanding: If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD and you're still navigating what that means, our program is here to guide them. We focus on developing an appreciation for how their brains work, initiating conversations about potential challenges, and exploring effective strategies.

2. Undiagnosed students, seeking support: Even if your child hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, our program provides valuable tools for families looking to support independence both in school and at home. We believe in equipping students with skills that empower them to thrive.

A Note on Gifted Students:

At Illuminate Family Workshop, we specialize in working with twice-exceptional students – those who are not only gifted but also neurodiverse. These exceptional individuals may possess splintered skills that can sometimes go unnoticed. Despite performing well "on paper," they may face unique struggles that traditional systems may not readily recognize.

Our experienced team is dedicated to understanding and addressing the nuanced needs of twice-exceptional students. We strive to bridge the gaps, ensuring they receive the support and tools necessary for their holistic development.

Join us on this growth-oriented journey, where we empower minds, unlock potential, and foster a community that embraces neurodiversity. Together, let's navigate the path to success for your child.

Book a Connection Call

Results Our Clients Have Made:

Embarking on our ADHD Coaching Program has empowered students to achieve remarkable transformations, leading to:

Increase in Confidence

Witness a boost in your child's self-assurance as they navigate their academic and social journey.

End to Homework Battles

Experience a shift from struggles with homework to a student who gains momentum and takes responsibility for their school work.

Deeper Appreciation for Their Brains

Explore a newfound understanding of how their brains are wired, fostering a deeper appreciation. Learn to harness strengths to support areas of challenge.

Practice in Resilience Building

Equip your child with valuable resilience-building practices, preparing them for life's challenges with a resilient mindset.

Application of Strategies to Executive Projects

Enable your child to apply effective strategies not only to school projects but also to hobbies, enhancing their overall organizational and executive skills.

Reduced Parental Reminders

Enjoy a decrease in the need for frequent reminders, such as organizing sports gear or completing chores. Our program instills effective systems for greater independence.

Foundation of Study Strategies

Watch as your child establishes a solid foundation of study strategies that will serve them throughout their academic career, ensuring long-term success.

External Support System

Provide your child with a supportive figure outside of the caregiver/parent role. Our program ensures they have someone they can confidently turn to for guidance and support.

Kickstarting Conversations on Social-Emotional Wellness

Engage in meaningful discussions about social-emotional wellness, fostering a holistic approach to your child's development. Our program initiates these crucial conversations for overall well-being.

How the program works:

At Illuminate Family Workshop, we understand that each student is unique, and their journey requires a tailored approach. While our plans are customized to individual scenarios, here's a general overview of how our ADHD Coaching Program typically unfolds:

1. Connection Phone Call:

 Kick off the journey with a personalized connection phone call. Schedule your call [here], where we'll discuss your child's needs, goals, and how our program can support their growth.

2. Comprehensive Evaluation or Intake Process:

Dive deeper into understanding your child's strengths, challenges, and specific needs through a comprehensive evaluation or intake process. This step allows us to create a personalized roadmap for their success.

3. Goal Setting with Student Involvement:

Empower your child by involving them in the goal-setting process. Together, we'll establish clear objectives that align with their aspirations, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation.

4. Weekly or Biweekly 1:1 Sessions (60 Minutes):

Engage in impactful weekly private coaching sessions, each lasting 60 minutes. These sessions can be held in the comfort of your home or virtually, ensuring flexibility that suits your family's preferences.

5. Duration: 3 Months:

Commit to a transformative journey with a 3-month duration. Over this period, we'll work closely with your child, providing consistent support and guidance to instill positive habits and foster growth.

Our process is designed not only to address immediate challenges but also to lay the foundation for long-term success. Join us in this collaborative effort, where we tailor our approach to your child's unique strengths and aspirations, unlocking their full potential. Schedule your connection phone call today to embark on this empowering journey.

Book a Connection Call Listen to the Podcast

Can you see your student benefited from this program? Email us at today.

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